The history and origin of karlakattai
The name says it all!!
Karlakattai (wooden Indian clubs) training is a traditional form of body conditioning practiced originally by Tamil warriors and other parts of south India in the past. The history and origins of karlakattai date back to atleast 60000 years ago when the civilizations were formed and the evidence is seen in the temple carvings and ancient scripts.
There are different types of Karlakattais that have a specific purpose and used by both men and women of different trades and profession to keep fit, become stronger, proficient and healthier.
The name Karlakattai has an interesting origin story. It is said that the head of Bootha ganangal who are Shiva’s Ganas was Karalan. He is believed to uproot large trees and use the base of these trees as weapons and to exercise. Kattai in Tamil is wood or log. So, the Kattai that Karalan used is called Karlakattai. Over the years, it was transformed into a weapon and got a name Gadhayutham or Gada.
The British rule banned the art like any other warrior practices, so its popularity have decreased after that. Fortunately, few gurus took the legacy forward and kept it alive. So that, we could reap its health benefits
Knowing its efficacy westerners are now practicing in the name of Indian club.
Its our duty to be rooted to our own traditional arts and create a healthy community around us. Its high time we turn to the practice which our ancestors did as it is the genetic art of India.